A-Z Index

Student information

Who can apply?


  • 11th or 12th grade – minimum of 3.0 Cumulative GPA OR minimum of 2.累积GPA和ACT成绩不低于21分或不低于2分.5 .累积GPA和综合百分位指数达到100.
  • 10th grade – minimum of 3.0 Cumulative GPA.
  • 9th grade – minimum of 3.累积GPA为0,ACT综合成绩不低于27分或SAT成绩不低于1280分.


ACT Mathematics Sub-score Requirements

Course Requirements

Calculus I

  • ACT Math 27 -OR-
  • SAT Math 630 -OR-
  • ACT Aspire Math 437 -OR-
  • High School Cumulative GPA 3.90 - OR-
  • Completion of college level Pre-Calculus


  • ACT Math 22 -OR-
  • SAT Math 540 -OR-
  • ACT Aspire Math 432 -OR-
  • High School Cumulative GPA 3.50 


Mathematical Modeling

PreCalculus Algebra

  • ACT Math 22 -OR-
  • SAT Math 540 -OR-
  • ACT Aspire Math 432 -OR-
  • High School Cumulative GPA 3.00

Composition Requirements

Course Requirements


  • Directed Self Placement

What are the benefits?

作为全国网赌正规平台的双学分学生,学生享有特殊的福利待遇. The benefits include:

  • 在正常上课时间之外可以接触到课程讲师
  • Access to student and academic support
  • 访问西北在线课程网站和西北电子邮件
  • Earning college credit while still in high school
  • A discounted tuition rate
  • 免费提供课本和笔记本电脑
  • 西北熊猫的身份证,可以进入图书馆, athletic events, performing arts, and other activities
  • 访问在线学位审核系统,以显示双学分课程如何适用于全国网赌正规平台的学位

NACEP accredited

Registration Dates for 2024-2025

  • Online Course Registration for Fall and Yearlong courses – DUE AUGUST 14, 2024
  • Face-to-face Course Registration for Fall and Yearlong DUE SEPTEMBER 11, 2024

  • Online Course Registration for Spring courses – DUE DECEMBER 13, 2024
  • Face-to-face Course Registration for Spring DUE JANUARY 24, 2025


Student Application & Enrollment Instructions

  1. 使用学校提供的超链接或二维码进行双学分申请 & Enrollment online form.
  2. Create an account with Dynamic Forms. 确保这是一个你可以访问的电子邮件这不能是与您的父母/监护人共享的电子邮件帐户.
  3. 一旦您创建了一个帐户,您将收到一封电子邮件
  4. 在该邮件中,点击“确认邮件”链接并登录到您的新帐户. You do NOT need to add a cell number.  如果没有看到表单,请返回原始链接并再次单击它.
  5. Complete the entire application. Any questions with a red asterisk is REQUIRED. Please also double check all email addresses for accuracy.
  6. Digitally sign and submit the form.
  7. 您在申请中包含的父母/监护人将自动收到一封电子邮件 to approve your application/enrollment.

Parent/Guardian Application & Enrollment Approval Instructions

  1. You will receive an email from
  2. 请阅读这封电子邮件,并点击底部的链接,上面写着“点击这里完成表格中你的部分”.“如果你没有立即收到邮件,请检查你的垃圾邮件和垃圾文件夹.
  3. Create an account with Dynamic Forms. 确保使用你收到邮件的电子邮件地址 to create your account.  请确保您能够访问此电子邮件帐户
  4. 一旦您创建了一个帐户,您将收到一封电子邮件
  5. 在该邮件中,点击“确认邮件”链接并登录到您的新帐户. You do NOT need to add a cell number.  如果没有看到表单,请返回原始链接并再次单击它.
  6. 完成双学分申请和注册表格的部分. Any questions with a red asterisk is REQUIRED. 
  7. If you approve, digitally sign and Submit the form. 
    • If you see any errors on the form, click Return for Revisions.  这将把表格发回给学生进行适当的修改,并重新提交给您批准.

 Next steps....

  1. 你的高中将审核你的申请,并向全国网赌正规平台提供高中成绩单.
  2. 一旦全国网赌正规平台收到家长/监护人和学校的申请和批准, the Admissions team will admit each student.  
  3. 注册官团队将为所有被录取的学生注册申请表上注明的课程 & enrollment form.
  4. Upon enrollment, 双学分小组将通知每个学生一个个性化的课程时间表和录取通知书.  此信息将附在带有主题行的邮件中 Welcome to Northwest Dual Credit! and the email sender will be
  5. 在学生被完全录取和注册后, 账单将于月底邮寄到全国网赌正规平台通过申请和入学表格提供的家庭住址.
  6. 所有双学分学费将通过CatPAWS在线支付或通过邮寄支票到他们的办公室支付给学生账户服务.  More information can be found in the Tuition and scholarships tab.

Tuition and scholarships

For the 2024-2025 school year, 面对面双学分课程的学费为每学分97美元. 在线双学分课程的学费为每学分107美元.

These fees include textbooks and laptops!

双证汇票在每个月的最后一周开出.  Bills are mailed to the address on file.  学生应于到期日或之前缴交全部结余款项,以免产生财务费用.  学生在收到学期的第一张账单时自动加入分期付款计划. 

Fall semester due dates are the 15th of August, September, October, and November.  Spring semester due dates are the 15th of January, February, March, and April.  在帐户余额全部付清之前,学生不得注册后续学期.  


学生将在课程表上获得西北网络账号(s#).  An email was sent from 包含初始密码和登录说明.  电子邮件发送到双学分申请中提供的电子邮件地址. 


  • Log in to CatPAWS
    • User ID: s# (without the
    • PIN: Email password
  • Click the Account tab
  • 点击“支付中心”,选择“点击这里进入支付中心”。

 In the Payment Center, 您可以为电子退款添加银行信息, save payment methods and set up authorized users.  如果父母或监护人将支付余额, 建议学生设置一个授权用户, with their own login information. 

Payment Center How-To guides are available here:   

 Click here if you need assistance with your initial login.  If you have logged in before and need assistance, click here

The IT Help Desk can be reached at 660.562.1634 or by email at  请确保在所有通信中包含您的学生证(919#).


Taking courses as Dual Credit vs. as an On-Campus student

高中学生通过全国网赌正规平台选择双学分课程,以节省成本和课程机会. 双学分课程帮助学生更快完成大学学业.   

2024-2025 School Year Costs

Classification Tuition and Fees
On Campus Student
(14 credit hours of classes)
Dual Credit Student
(14 credit hours of classes)
SAVINGS OF $4,831.40


Beginning with the fall 2022 semester, 高中学生可能有资格获得涵盖双学分或双入学课程的学费和费用的奖学金. To qualify, 学生必须证明有经济需要,并且在密苏里学院或大学学习双学分或双注册课程,并且符合项目的资格标准. 

为了有资格获得援助,学生必须满足以下要求. 请注意,根据2022年的变化,与A+资格相关的要求已被删除.

  • Be a U.S. 公民或永久居民和密苏里州居民 
  • 通过密苏里州认可的学院或大学注册双学分/双招生课程
  • Have a minimum 2.5 unweighted, 累积高中平均成绩,并符合高中双学分或双招生课程的要求
    • 学生必须提交高中成绩单的复印件,以证明他们已经达到了GPA要求. This documentation is only required once per year.
  • 符合下列一项或多项经济需要指标:
    • 直系亲属有资格享受免费和减免的午餐
    • Living in a foster home
    • Ward of the state
    • 根据《全球网络赌博平台》定义的无家可归者
    • 接受低收入公共援助(SNAP, WIC等)的直系亲属.)
    • Living in federally subsidized public housing

Additional information is available at 高等教育和劳动力发展部

如果您对双学分/双入学奖学金的变化有任何疑问, don't hesitate to get in touch with the DHEWD at or 800.473.6757, option 4.

从申请到发现你是否获得了资助, 全国网赌正规平台的账单仍在继续. Any overage will be refunded to students.


打印和电子成绩单可以通过网上申请 Parchment.

  1. You will be asked to create a Parchment account.
  2. You can track your order online.

Mailed Transcript Request

  • Download and mail in a transcript request form View PDF with cash, check, or money order.
  • 所有的书面请求必须包括一个完整的邮寄地址.

Important Notes

  • 要求成绩单不能通过电子邮件或电话.
  • 对你的记录的保留阻止了笔录的发布.
    • 成绩单不发给有逾期债务的个人, Assessment Holds or an incomplete Admissions file.
  • Normal processing time is 1-2 working days. Allow time for receipt by mail.
    • 允许在学期开始和结束的高峰期以及12月中旬到1月中旬的假期期间有额外的时间.
  • If requesting a faxed transcript, 学生必须在提交申请之前核实传真成绩单将被接收方接受. 如果传真成绩单发送后需要纸质副本, the student must submit a new transcript request.
  • 如果提供了错误的地址,学生将负责订购新的成绩单.



CORE 42的目标是促进学分的无缝转换. 在任何公立高等教育机构完成的CORE 42将转移到该州的其他公立高等教育机构,并取代接收机构的普通教育要求. 组成CORE 42的个别课程保证在密苏里州所有公立(和参与的独立)学院和大学之间一对一转换.  CORE 42的所有课程都将在大学目录中的课程描述中嵌入上述标志.

Additional information: 

Drop:如果学生在全国网赌正规平台选修了多门课程,并且他们想要放弃其中一门课程, they would need to initiate a drop.

退出:如果学生想放弃所有课程, 或者他们只上了一门课,想要离开, 被考虑退学的学生.

学生可以在80%分之前退出一学期的课程,或者在秋季学期期末考试的最后一天退出一年的课程. For available dates, visit Registrar Calendars and Dates. In the event of an on-time withdraw, 除了50美元的手续费外,所有的学费都将被取消. When a student withdraws, 每门课程的“W”成绩将记录在学生的西北成绩单上. 如果一个学生放弃了一门课程,但仍然注册了至少一门课程, 学费将被取消,处理费将不被评估.


If a student wants to drop or withdraw, 这个过程从学生联系双学分办公室816开始.272.4621 or

Dual credit students taking regular summer courses, 会否遵从已公布的退款指引

Students will work with their high school counselors to enroll 在线双学分课程.

  1. 符合入学标准,包括课程安排要求(如适用)
  2. Read and maintain a copy of the Dual Credit Registration Information Flyer View PDF for your records
  3. 完成校外双生入学和注册申请 and return to counselor
  4. 要求高中发送推荐信和正式的高中成绩单和GPA 
  5. ACT或SAT的官方考试成绩寄到全国网赌正规平台了吗
    • Our ACT School Code is 2338
    • Our SAT School Code is 6488

在线课程不是由你高中的老师来教的. 这些课程将利用西北在线,并且不会亲自见面.

2024-2025 Academic Year-Long Course Offering

2024-2025学年在线双学分课程将在大学的常规秋季和春季学期运行.  以下日期直接对应于8月26日开始的课程, 2024 and end on May 2, 2025.    

Enrollment deadline is August 14, 2024.  有关如何注册的详细信息,请访问全国网赌正规平台的在线注册页面.

Course Number Course Title Credit Hours Addl. Fees
Natural Sciences
04-102 & 04-103 General Biology & LabMOTR course 4 $110
24-114 & 24-115 General Chemistry I & LabMOTR course 4 $15

Fall 2024 Course Offerings

秋季在线双学分课程将在大学的常规秋季学期运行. 以下日期直接对应于8月26日开始的课程, 2024 and end on December 13, 2024.

Enrollment deadline is August 14, 2024. 有关如何注册的详细信息,请访问全国网赌正规平台的在线注册页面.

Course Number Course Title Credit Hours Addl. Fees
29-102 Fundamentals of Oral CommunicationMOTR course 3 $0
10-111 Composition IMOTR course 3 $0
Humanities and Fine Arts
10-220 Introduction to LiteratureMOTR course 3 $0
Mathematical Sciences 
17-114 General StatisticsMOTR course 3 $0
17-116 Mathematical ModelingMOTR course 3 $0
Social and Behavioral Sciences 
33-156 The United States since 1877MOTR course 3 $0
08-103 General PsychologyMOTR course 3 $0

Spring 2025 Course Offerings

春季在线双学分课程将在大学的春季学期正常运行. 以下日期直接对应于1月13日开始的课程, 2025 and end on May 2, 2025.

Enrollment deadline is December 13, 2024. 有关如何注册的详细信息,请访问全国网赌正规平台的在线注册页面.

Course Number Course Title Credit Hours Addl. Fees
10-112 Composition IIMOTR course 3 $0
Humanities and Fine Arts
Fine Art
13-102 Art AppreciationMOTR course 3 $0
Foreign Language
14-141 Spanish: Communication and Culture I
MOTR course
Mathematical Sciences
17-118 Pre-Calculus AlgebraMOTR course 3 $0
Social and Behavioral Sciences
34-102 Intro to American Government & PoliticsMOTR course 3 $0
35-101 General SociologyMOTR course 3 $0

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